Mistakes are a part of life.
It’s how you handle a mistake that makes all the difference.
Specializing in Criminal Defense Law means that I have the experience to achieve the best possible outcome, no matter what the situation may be. I'll work tirelessly to ensure that you get the best possible representation.
If you are arrested for any reason, whether it be an error of judgment, a mistake made by the police, or simply by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, you’re not going to hire a garden variety attorney that's only semi-familiar with the criminal justice system. You’re going to hire an expert because a jack of all trades is an expert at nothing.
As a former prosecutor and investigator, I know the anatomy of a criminal case inside and out.
I also have a keen insight as to the particular strategies and bargaining positions of the district attorneys office - the agency prosecuting your case.
For the better part of a decade, I've been an expert in Criminal Law and my passion for it is evident.
I have worked closely alongside some of the highest esteemed defense attorneys in WNY including, but not limited to, Joel Daniels, Hon. Andrew C. LoTempio, Thomas J. Eoannou. Paul Dell, Joseph Terranova, Robert N. Convissar and Mark A. Worrell.